
Italian kirjeenvaihtajan kuulumisia


Slowly Italy is moving from the long lockdown. You easily see more people around, everybody with musks and gloves. Cues starts to be normal to get in groceries. Coffee is possible to have as take away and also restaurant food. Carefully police take care that rules are followed. With this nice spring season lots of people are having nice walking, trekking and in the regions where is allowed, people go rock climbing.

Hardly will be removed the regions boarders limits. The only permit to move to another region is related to job reasons. People are ready to go beaching, but unfortunately is allowed only to go swimming but no to rest on the shore. Sailing and boat fishing is also allowed, but anchoring is forbidden. Sailing and fishing are considered sports, anchoring is consider relaxing and not sports. Hopefully after the 18th all shops should open , if the corona virus fight is still going well.


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